I set aside a time solely for you. Your initial consultation and treatment will last anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 hour 15 minutes. Each successive treatment usually lasts about 45 minutes to an hour, depending on your diagnosis. Feel free to ask questions or voice any concerns that arise during or after the treatment. Trust that all information is confidential. The treatment does not end when the needles are removed. Acupuncture has initiated a change within the body. If possible, take some time to relax after your treatment. Please avoid hot tubs, cold showers, ice plunges, extreme sweating, and cold swimming pools. Most importantly, take an active part in your healthcare. I will be happy to discuss diet and lifestyle changes, which will best benefit your specific condition.
I will carefully evaluate your personal condition by asking questions about past and present medical history, taking the pulses, observing the tongue, and palpating various areas of the body for tenderness. With this information I decide on what treatment is needed for your specific condition. Modern acupuncture needles are extremely fine so that the treatment is usually almost painless. Each needle is sterile and disposable. You feel a tiny pinprick as the needle goes through the skin, followed by a dull ache, a tugging feeling, and a warm or tingling sensation as the energy of the point is reached. The needles are normally left in about 20-40 minutes before being taken out. Acupuncture is generally a very relaxing experience. Sometimes we may use cupping, gua sha, or moxibustion which are determined based on your diagnosis.