Do I have to choose between acupuncture and other types of health care?
Acupuncture is compatible with other systems of health care. I will be happy to work in conjunction with you and other health care practitioners. My wish is that you receive maximum benefit from all sources.
How many treatments are needed?
The number of treatments needed to alleviate a disorder varies depending on the type of illness and the overall health and vitality of the individual. Generally, acute diseases of short time can be treated successfully within a few treatments. Chronic problems, which have taken years to develop, will not be “cured” overnight. Gradual change over time will reflect the gradual restoration of the body’s strength and vitality.
What is East Asian Medicine?
East Asian Medicine has been a practice of medicine for over 5000 years in China, It includes the practices of acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, cupping therapy, moxibustion, tui na, nutrition, tai qi, and qi gong. At the heart of East Asian Medicine is the concept of Qi (pronounced chee). East Asian Medicine is becoming more known as our profession publishes supportive research to validate this ancient medicine.
What is Qi?
Qi is translated as the vital force, life force, or energy. Qi is the life force of the universe. Qi is the life force that flows through the channels and meridians.
What are the types of East Asian Medicine?
Korean Acupuncture, Vietnamese Acupuncture, Chinese Acupuncture, Japanese Acupuncture, Cambodian Acupuncture.